Welcome to The Elman! If you know me you know I have always got something to say. I also know that you have something to say too.
This site will let you know the kinds of things I am involved in. Maybe it will encourage you to get involved with me or speak your mind or push forward with your own work.
Check out the menu on this site where you will find pages on international initiatives in Ukraine, Japan and India. You will find links to projects in Canada with Until the Last Child and with the Laidlaw Foundation. Not to mention the Ontario Coroner. In addition see what my boys Jadon and Jonay are thinking about. Yes pro wrestling power rankings can be found.
JS Wordsworth, in his Grace Before Meat asked us to “take our place in the worlds work and worlds struggles “ I intend to keep doing that. How about you?
Contact me at TheElman360@gmail.com
Follow me on social media
Twitter @IrwinElman
Instagram @elmanirwin
Facebook Irwin Elman
LinkedIn Irwin Elman
You Tube @IrwinElman
I have a Tic Tok account but I am not ready for a prime time yet !