If you want to learn more or get involved somehow email me at Theelman360@gmail.com

Steve my brother is responsible for this initiative. He is a Rotarian. A former President of the Rotary Club of Courtney. When he retired and ended his career owning a travel agency he made a trip with colleagues to India. He decided to support some of the rural villages in Odisha India. The villages needed new fresh sources of water and needed support to build wells. Steve with Rotary International could do that! Long story short. He met a village named Kassini Padar. This village is supported by a group called Grace Life Ministries and his friend in BC Kel Frandson. The village wanted a health and training centre. A building that could be used to care for those who were ill. A place that could also accommodate visitors. Steve got to work with personal financial support and time and energy. Eventually the building was built. In the time it took the village to design, find funding and build my and Steve’s sister died. Eve spent a career advocating for better health care and public health services. Steve and the people of Kassini Padar decided to dedicate the new health centre to her. I was honoured to visit Cassini Padar with my oldest son Jadon and Steve and his wife Jan for the dedication of the building. On the trip we met people in Visakhapatnam India and in Nepal. Jadon and I knew when we returned that our hearts were tied to those we met. We are committed to support children in Cassini Padar and Komadi ( a tenement community outside of Visakhapatnam). Scroll down to the latest update. What to know more? Email Theelman360@gmail.com

With my big brother Steve in a rural Village in Odisha India. Steve helped the village build a health centre and the Village dedicated the centre to our late Sister
The generous reception of the village made its way to our hearts. Working through Rotary International Steve is supporting villages in Odisha to build new wells in order to have sources of clean drinking water. We will work with the Village to provide educational opportunities for children.
January 2020
Hosted by Grace Life Ministries in Visakhapatnam Jadon and I met children and youth at their home for students from Komadi a tenement outside the city. Students stayed at the home during the week to attend school and were able to return to Komadi on weekends.
In Komadi we met hundreds of children. When we returned home we felt we must find a way to partner with them
Jadon raised funds to purchase school supplies for children in Komadi
Irwin raised funds to support Deepa as a youth leader in Komadi teaching dance and teaching at an after school program
Deepa’s work !
February 2020 Audrey a friend and former staff at the Ontario Child Advocate Office visited Komadi and will return with ideas as to how to support the youth leaders of the community

March 2020 offering as much support as I can to the friends we have in Odisha Knowledge is power in this situation

(This post from my friend and quite the human being Himakar Tata in Visakhapatnam India. I worry a great deal about him, my friends and the children of country should the freight train that is the virus hit the country hard. Thoughts and prayers. Here is a link to Tata’s travel blog spot


There cannot be a greater leveller than Convid 19 ! It has hit both rich and poor nations alike. Each one is tackling his/ her problems in a different manner. Some of us are turning philosophical/ spiritual. Some of us are beating the stress through poetry or corona inspired jokes! ( But for WhatsApp messages we could not have coped with these dark days of ” social distancing ” & uncertainty, wherein we are forced to miss our daily dose of social interaction!!). We have had a complete lockdown in Vizag since March 22nd. In fact , march 22nd was a day of total curfew. I have been more or less at home since 21st March. Today, I came out to purchase groceries from the nearest store ( instead of a bigger departmental store which I normally patronize). There have been three cases of COVID in Vizag out of a total of 7 in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh. Fortunately , they seem to be responding to the treatment. The situation in Orissa is also grim. In fact in Berhampur , they had imposed Section 144 a day earlier than Vizag. Several districts in Orissa are under lockdown. I have just confirmed from Karuna that everyone's O.K. at both the Vizag Home and at their village in Kasini Padar. The children at the Home have been sent to their respective hometowns. Lockdown is prevailing in Phulbani district too. The good news is that no one is stranded outside his/ her home. So at this juncture each one of us has has to count one's blessings ! We hope, especially in India, that with greater discipline, resolve and patience , we are able to surmount the problem of Corona Virus. Since all national and international flights and domestic rail and bus transport services have been halted till 31st March, we hope we can now have greater control of the localized movements within the city. We are trying to prevent an escalation of the cases by postponing the advent of Stage 3 to the extent possible. We are keeping a sharp look out of the movement of Indian nationals who have already arrived from COVID affected countries prior to the closure of international flights . The three cases in Vizag (so far) belong to this category. We are therefore having a wait and watch policy till 31st March. I sincerely hope that the increasing awareness among people for social distancing will bring in the desired effects. Indians are not so disciplined as Canadians . We need greater self restraint. At this juncture, I suppose , focusing on saving one's own skin, keeping oneself and one's neighbours healthy takes priority over our long term world wide agenda of community service. We have stopped all Rotary get-togethers and meetings from last Friday, 20th March. We are all in the same boat! the only difference is that the leakages are greater in some boats vis-a vis others. It is only hope, humour and positive thinking that will keep us afloat till we see light at the end of the tunnel

Yours sincerely,

Himakar Tata,

A video April 2020 from some of my friends and colleagues in Visakhapatnam India who are in social distancing. I am constantly reminded how many strong and courageous people there are in the world. They give me strength.
April 2 2020 From my friend and colleague Srinu in Visakhapatnam India where we have been just getting a youth leader initiative off the ground. This is a line up during lockdown for food (rice and dahl) handed out once a week by government.
It evokes so many thoughts and feelings. I am in awe of the grace, strength and resolve of the people there and so many around the world. It is a lesson that money is not always a solution. Supplies could not get there in time to be useful and money might not be able to buy anything. Our economies are built around profit not need and well being.
Please keep the adults and children of Visakhapatnam in your hearts like I will as well as all the others facing seeming immeasurably difficult circumstances around the world.
Jadon and I raised $1000 for bread to accompany Dahl the government provided to children in the tenements during the pandemic. Here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/we-truly-are-in-this-together?sharetype=teams&member=5180194&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&rcid=331955310d2e4e6bb2130293fffaf1f2

In Visakhapatnam India the lockdown was eased and my friends and colleagues were able to provide some food to children in their community. Tough times. Strong people. April 2020

My heart is with them.

With Jadon in October 2020 we raised $1000 to be used by our friends in India for food in the tenements of Visakhapatnam
A link to our Go Fund Me page for food for young people in the tenements of Visakhapatnam during the pandemic


Jadon’s Ask
The result