Why is it that the Minister for Children and Youth in this Province change more often than any other. Why do Ministers have no experience in this field, yet get to make decisions that throw parents into chaos, child care providers to close, and no trust at all. Why are the Ministers so against those that give voice for our most vulnerable in this Province.
Why is it no matter how hard you try to share your knowledge, that they know best. I once asked a Ministry official to come work with a child with Autism for just one shift to see for themselves the hard work, but happiness and love that can be achieved. They said it’s not me job.
Yes, you have never worked one day, one shift or even one hour with a child with special needs. Shame on you, shame on all of you who think it is so easy, go ask those parents who are burnt out and just looking for a little support and hope.
I was once told by a Ministry Rep that these children and youth with Special Needs would never vote for this Government. But I replied you look at a tree not the forest. What about the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, cousins, co-workers, teachers, neighbours. Do I have your attention now!!!!!!!!!
I am a firm believer that we should give our children and youth a voice, I was so thrilled that finally many years ago it seemesnow that the Provincial Advocate started giving our youth the opportunity to speak and in a forum in front of Government.
While I was so proud of our youth for raising their concerns, frustrations, sadness at the system. I t pains me to say 10 years later following My Real Lifebook, that many issues and concerns are still front and centre today.
And what did this Government do, they fired the person who stood up for our most vulnerable and shut the Advocates office.
Many great projects came out of the office, I was very passionate about We Have Something To Say as it was a voice and platform for Special Needs Children and Youth. There were questions why would you want to give these children and youth a voice.
Well let me tell you, these children and youth are always Listening, Watching and have feelings too. It’s time for this Government to be held Accountable and responsible for the abuse they have given to the parents and children with Special Needs. They should be ashamed of themselves but surprise they have no heart. You may say that’s harsh well, believe me. Living everyday, 7 days a week fighting for the children, the parents, the staff, you get very tired and worn at the lack of empathy. You get tired of the lies, you get tired of the promises that never happen, you get tired of the provincial bs.
Today we need finances for parents and care givers to Breath. We need an understanding that this past 12 months has been hell for our children, parents, care givers. Our most vulnerable are suffering and where is this Government.
A few years a go the Government was more interested in power plants and votes than our children, Government was more interested in giving Children’s Aids Societies monies to cover millions of dollars to cover for deficits than our children. Children’s Aid were spending millions on new offices and building yet cut down the front line social workers to one visit a month.
I have worked with some wonderful social workers who really cared for the children on their caseload, but I have worked with many bad ones who want to work 4 days a week, not take their child into the community during visits and quite frankly in my opinion don’t care.
How sad that in a job like child care you don’t care about your children or children with special needs. Over 25 years there seemes to be more management at Ministry and CAS levels than ever before and we have lost sight on who we they serve.
What our children in care need is a loving environment, Structure, Predictability, Routines and someone to love them. I have seen the vast improvements in children in care when you nurture then, give them hope, you are honest and you care. Government has chosen to ignore these steps and does not understand the consequences of their actions.
I want to touch on a very difficult topic but one I believe must be shared. Why are children dying in care, why are children and youth dying when not being given the supports, why are children and youth at a point that life is no longer worth living, well let me tell you!!!!!
Because no one in the ministry or government is listening to the parents or care providers, the professionals, or the youth themselves. Just stop and think for one minute why a youth would walk out and never come back, many self harm, many climb a tree and never come down, many are in care and abused and killed by those entrusted to care for them, many walk and walk out into the lake and never swim back.
It’s time to count a spade a spade people in the Government and CAS are responsible, they should be held responsible and accountable for these deaths. Why are we waiting, why do we allow for this to continue, why do we close our eyes and ear to the cries and the screams of our most vulnerable. Why don’t you care, why wont you give voice and stand up, why, oh why.
In my opinion we must advocate for the most vulnerable and fragile children and youth in and out of care.
We must not allow this time of Covid to force us to accept second best for our children and youth. Don’t blame this epidemic its been this sorry state for a very long time and we must have the will to change it.
We must fight for the right to inclusion
We must fight for the right to acceptance and tolerance
We must fight for the right to education
We must fight to treat everyone of our children and youth with respect and dignity
Our voices must be heard
This Government and Ministry must be held accountable.
Do not allow our generation to be the generation of a negative attitude towards our most vulnerable and needy
We must be the generation that cares
Do not allow the past to stand in the way of change, it is not frightening, but possible. Love, Care, Fight, Engage can make a difference.