Find here links to reports, articles etc that you might find interesting. Scroll down and find links to videos and Irwin in the media trying time to milk his five minutes of fame
Serving Children and Youth
“Resource,Connection and Voice” a way of framing goals for anyone developing programs for young people or working with them. I used to talk about it so much my staff called it RCV. I still think my theory is sound. Tell me what you think Theelman360@gmail.com

If you are looking for reports and documents produced by the former Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth in Ontario check out the archive page.

Find at this link the Canadian Coalition on the Rights of the Child Alternate Report to the UNCRV March 2020 http://rightsofchildren.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Close-Gaps-through-Systemic-Change-CCRC-Report-to-UN-Committee-March-1-2020.pdf